Are you engaged or seriously considering marriage?
Do you want to have the best possible start to your marriage?
If yes then the Marriage Preparation Course is for you.
Most couples spend countless hours preparing for the wedding, but little, if any time preparing for married life. The Marriage Preparation Course can help you develop strong foundations for a lasting marriage.
It doesn't matter how long you have been engaged to go on the course, or if you have been living together and would like to explore the idea of getting married, or if one or both of you have been married before. Whilst the course is based on Christian principles, it is designed for all couples with or without a church background. You do not need to be getting married in a church to come on the course.
What can I expect on the course?

The course takes place over five evenings, starting at 7.30pm and ending by 10pm. During which a meal will be served each night, with tea, coffee, and dessert. There will be a warm welcome, and this you will sit with other engaged couples and a host couple who will be leading the course.
There are practical DVD talks which are informative and fun, including clips of couples talking about their own experiences of marriage. There is never any group work and you will never be asked to share anything about your relationship with anyone other than your partner.
Coffee and discussion time will be private to you as a couple. You will be given opportunities to discuss the topics with your fiancé(e). Music is played so you can’t hear other couples and they can’t hear you!

At the end of each session you are given some homework to do together. This will help you to build on what you have learnt and give you the opportunity to apply it to your relationship. Don't worry - it won't be marked! It isn't looked at by anyone else and is just for your own benefit.
Dates, costs and booking
Courses are arranged as required. We are in contact with other churches who run this course.
The course cost is £40 per couple but, for couples marrying at St John's the course fee is already included in the wedding fee.
If you would like to consider attending the Marriage Preparation Course, please email, telephone 020 8303 1107 and ask for Kate, text 07712 364962 or complete the form below. For more general information about the Marriage Preparation Course, visit