How to give


Everything belongs to God. We are stewards of the wealth and resources God has given us; He is the owner. God owns all the doughnuts!”

See 1 Chronicles 29v11 and Psalm 24v1


Giving is a thank offering to God. God is good:  He is generous towards us.  Financial giving is a biblical expression of thankfulness.

See Psalm 107v1 and 116v17; Leviticus 7v12



How can I pray with others at St John's?

Browse some of the voluntary opportunities currently available (in preparation)

How does finance work at St John's and how can I contribute?

I would like to give by Standing Order (we can also post you a copy of this form)

I am a tax payer so you can recoup my tax via Gift Aid.  (Please keep a note of what you give each financial year for your HMRC Tax Return.)  You can download the Gift Aid form to print, complete the form online, or request a paper form.

Note: If you are a tax payer and able to give under the Gift Aid scheme, please request a Gift Aid number.

For all other enquiries, please contact St John's Church Office



Gift Aid

Gift Aid Declaration

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