The Leprosy Mission (TLM)
Leprosy is still a disease of our time. Every year over 300,000 new patients are diagnosed and registered for treatment, but because of the stigma associated with leprosy and the consequent reluctance to seek medical care, it is estimated that even more cases go undetected.
TLM is a leading international Christian organisation with over 130 years experience in leprosy work. TLM is committed to doing all it can to break its power and impact. This means both providing a cure and addressing the underlying causes, working to prevent disability and to restore dignity and wholeness to people and communities affected by leprosy around the world. They offer education, vocational training, small-business loans and sanitation & housing improvement. Here at St John's, we particularly support Purulia Hospital in India.
To hear about Kamless's story, click the image.
The St John's Welling Lamplighter Club for children (the only one left in the UK), which is held in the church hall is our main way of supporting the work of TLM in seeking to end leprosy. Please see our children's work page for more details or visit our Facebook page.
See for info and news!
St John's Rep: Alison Read